Adventure time! Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge
We had to pick up our 4wd from the rental car. First we grabbed some of our stuff for the 2 days ahead of us. Not easy, you always forget something, always!
Adventure time! Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge
We had to pick up our 4wd from the rental car. First we grabbed some of our stuff for the 2 days ahead of us. Not easy, you always forget something, always!
We were loving our white Toyota Hilux, and I was already feeling adventurous. We kept driving along the Gibb River Road towards our next adventure. Windjana Gorge and Tunnel Creekwere on my bucket list of places to visit in Australia, I was excited as I remember saving pictures of those places on Instagram.
We paid 10 dollars for a pass (for all of us) that included both places. After having some lunch we got our water bottles ready to start the walk. We found out that the trail we wanted to take, which was the longest one, would take us about 4 hours return so we had a team talk and decided to leave that to do early in the morning the next day. Trust me, it was so hot that you would really want to do that as soon the sun rises.
As planned, we stopped at Tunnel Creek where we had to walk through dark caves, creeks and (something we found out a day after)… crocodiles. Yes, at some point the water was covering half of my leg (again, in the dark) and for a moment I thought… This is Australia, there has to be something here. But you’ll see people walking next to you, and everyone making it safe and sound to the other side that you can’t think about being the unluckiest person on earth.
Like a movie spot
This was stunning, the way the sunshine hit the open space in the middle of the tunnel and how it played with the intense blue colour of the water. As we kept walking we saw the end of the cave, and with that a rock formation that looked like a big Irish hat. The view was getting even better as we got closer, a creek reflecting the rocks and green trees, the blue sky making contrast, it all felt like a place out of a story book.
Jordan drove at least 30 more minutes for our next FREE campsite (yay!), what was not so yay were the flies! Now, again we easily set everything up and beforehand we had made a choice of having rice with butter chicken sauce. Well, we wouldn’t recommend that sauce again, unless you make it yourself. I promise we got better at our food choices. Just not at this point.
We thought we did a pretty good job grabbing the stuff we needed from the van to our Toyota Hilux except for one thing, the air mattress pump. Poor Jordan. He had to blow the air mattresses himself as we, all girls, very girly, didn’t have the lungs to do so. Thanks Jordan! You’re amazing. (In case you wondered yeah he got a bit high from blowing up 4 mattresses).
The flies were gone (oh God they are so annoying), the night was a bit chilly but the bonfire was set up and we gathered around it to play some mind games and eat chocolate. We were still getting to know each other after all but every minute spent together and every new story shared were bringing us closer.